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Our Green Committee members for 2010 are:
Junior Infants: Aisling Flanagan.
Senior Infants: Darragh Duffy / Caelia Byrne Noonan.
First Class: Caitlín Byrne.
Second Class: Naomi Studnicka.
Third Class: Cian Ludden / Jack Vahey / Oísin Gannon.
Fourth Class: Íosaf McHale.
Fifth Class: Saoirse Tuffy / Aoife Reilly.
Sixth Class: Mikey Heneghan / Shane Gavin.
Community Link : Michael Gibbons
Teachers: Siobhan Tuohy / Anne-Marie Kelly.
Meetings take place once a week and are supervised by the green schools co-ordinator. The committee members report back to their class about the happenings of the meeting.

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